Hi, I’m Saanam!

I show homporate, the multi income sourced knowledge based online business model that is workable from home and I Saanam help to build and implement online ecosystem for more fortune, felicity and freedom.


Beginner Friendly

Anyone who wants to start a profitable online business can implement homporate model and turn passion into profit. Our step-by-step guide will help to set up your online systems on your own without overwhelm, even if you are a non-technical person.


Digital Asset is new goldmine. Adding complementing high ticket collaborative solutions helps maximise further. Create consistent profit with integrable multi streams.


From marketing to sales, homporate online business system is automatable. Save your time, manual effort and improve overall productivity by eliminating repetitive tasks.


Minimal cost involved to start a business journey & make profit without any office. No space renting, no stockpiling, no staffing & no overhead cost cuts OPX hugely too.


Online Service, Automated Sales, Zero Tension in Fulfilment and Global Reach help get more leads and handle increased sales volume without increasing workload.


Have freedom to work from home at your own time. Spend more time with your family and less time at business activities integrating automation and collaboration.


Everybody has some talent that they wish to enhance or pursue but remains fulfilled. What if you can make your passion a core essence of your business and generate profits by creating positive impacts on people’s life? How satisfying will it be to see changes on people’s life?

Homporate Guide

Free Homporate Business Guide

Discover how to build a powerful business online and live a lifestyle of freedom with Homporate Business Model.

What You’ll Discover



How to start a knowledge based business and produce highly profitable digital products or services based on your passion or experience.


How entrepreneurs can improve business findability, scalability, & productivity by implementing easy & cheap digital business tools.


How entrepreneurs can discover reliable, highly profitable products and incorporate multi stream revenue into their business.

My Story…

Staying just over broke despite selling up to 60 hours of my precious time in a week for salary for many years made me realize that I wouldn’t reach my financial target this way in this life. I, saanam started researching, reading courses from top coaches who have built super successful digital businesses based on strong values like integrity, family, humanity and service to humanity. This journey of re-learning by surrendering myself to my mentors has helped me to tap into my true power as an individual from within and guided me to formulate a solid business system for myself and people like me to create better financial health, freedom, and felicity.

I am not a business guru nor an influencer but an introvert person with a strong business mindset. As an entrepreneur I want to create a huge impact and help people create residual income with an online business system from home without an office. My experience may save their time, money and may even reduce the stress that they may be going through.

Every human who can develop a mindset of re-learning has the potential to earn a real income online and scale business with sustainability with the processes and system that I am going to reveal.


Work With Saanam

Are you ready to start online business ?

Let’s Work Together

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